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ACCW value Sets the linear acceleration of the W-axis to value .
ACCX value Sets the linear acceleration of the X-axis to value .
ACCY value Sets the linear acceleration of the Y-axis to value .
ACCZ value Sets the linear acceleration of the Z-axis to value .
HOMEW Instructs home searching sequence of the W-axis.
HOMEX Instructs home searching sequence of the X-axis.
HOMEY Instructs home searching sequence of the Y-axis.
HOMEZ Instructs home searching sequence of the Z-axis.
JOGW Instructs jogging mode of the W-axis.
JOGX Instructs jogging mode of the X-axis.
JOGY Instructs jogging mode of the Y-axis.
JOGZ Instructs jogging mode of the Z-axis.
MOVAALL Begins an absolute move on all axes.
MOVAW Begins an absolute move on the W-axis.
MOVAX Begins an absolute move on the X-axis.
MOVAY Begins an absolute move on the Y-axis.
MOVAZ Begins an absolute move on the Z-axis.
MOVRALL Begins a relative move on all axes.
MOVRW Begins a relative move on the W-axis.
MOVRX Begins a relative move on the X-axis.
MOVRY Begins a relative move on the Y-axis.
MOVRZ Begins a relative move on the Z-axis.
POSW value Sets the distance to move of the W-axis to value .
POSX value Sets the distance to move of the X-axis to value .
POSY value Sets the distance to move of the Y-axis to value .
POSZ value Sets the distance to move of the Z-axis to value .
STOPALL Stops the motion of all axes.
STOPW Stops the motion of the W-axis.
STOPX Stops the motion of the X-axis.
STOPY Stops the motion of the Y-axis.
STOPZ Stops the motion of the Z-axis.
VELW value Sets the maximum step rate of the W-axis to value .
VELX value Sets the maximum step rate of the X-axis to value .
VELY value Sets the maximum step rate of the Y-axis to value .
VELZ value Sets the maximum step rate of the Z-axis to value .
LINE Makes a coordinated linear motion.
VACCEL value Sets the vector acceleration to value .
VVEL value Sets the vector velocity to value .
EPOSW Equates the current position of the W-axis to the value of the corresponding step counter.
EPOSX Equates the current position of the X-axis to the value of the corresponding step counter.
EPOSY Equates the current position of the Y-axis to the value of the corresponding step counter.
EPOSZ Equates the current position of the Z-axis to the value of the corresponding step counter.
JOFF Disables the joystick and trackball operation.
JON Enables the joystick and trackball operation.
MOFFW Turns the motor driver of the W-axis off.
MOFFX Turns the motor driver of the X-axis off.
MOFFY Turns the motor driver of the Y-axis off.
MOFFZ Turns the motor driver of the Z-axis off.
MONW Turns the motor driver of the W-axis on.
MONX Turns the motor driver of the X-axis on.
MONY Turns the motor driver of the Y-axis on.
MONZ Turns the motor driver of the Z-axis on.
MSGOFF Turns off the feedback messages sent from the controller.
MSGON Turns on the feedback messages sent from the controller.
SPOSW value Sets the current position of the W-axis to value .
SPOSX value Sets the current position for the X-axis to value .
SPOSY value Sets the current position for the Y-axis to value .
SPOSZ value Sets the current position for the Z-axis to value .
SQUADW value Sets the W-axis quadrature decoder to value
SQUADX value Sets the X-axis quadrature decoder to value .
SQUADY value Sets the Y-axis quadrature decoder to value .
SQUADZ value Sets the Z-axis quadrature decoder to value .
CLRBIT value Resets the discrete output specified by value to low state.
IN Report the input ports
OUT value Writes the value to the output ports.
RQUADW The controller sends the W-axis quadrature decoder value to the serial port.
RQUADX The controller sends the X-axis quadrature decoder value to the serial port.
RQUADY The controller sends the Y-axis quadrature decoder value to the serial port.
RQUADZ The controller sends the Z-axis quadrature decoder value to the serial port.
RSTSW Reports the status of W-axis
RSTSX Reports the status of X-axis
RSTSY Reports the status of Y-axis
RSTSZ Reports the status of Z-axis.
RW Reports the value of W-axis step counter.
RX Reports the value of X-axis step counter.
RY Reports the value of Y-axis step counter.
RZ Reports the value of Z-axis step counter.
SETBIT value Sets the discrete output specified by value to high state.