stepper motor control system and controller card


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Motion Control Products' Reference Manuals

1 Operating and Programming Reference Manual in PDF
2 1) Download and install the Operating Software by clicking on the following link.

Operating Software (XP Version)

The XP version may work on Win 7. During installation select Run as administrator.


Operating Software (Win 7 - 64 bit Version)


Operating Software (Win 10 - 64 bit Version)

4 Operating and Programming Reference Manual in PDF
5 Operating Software (Win 7 Version)
5.5 Operating Software (Win 10 - 64 bit Version)
Solenoid Controller Products' Reference Manuals
6 Operating Software Instruction Manual in PDF
7 1) Download and install the Operating Software by clicking on the following link.

Operating Software

2) Click on the following link and after unzipping save it in C:\OES\allegra folder.

Operating Software Upgrade



8 BLDC Motor Control

Operating Software

If you receive an error, download the OCXs and register them. This video shows how to register OCX on 64 bit Windows 7 and 10 operating systems. 



For Widows XP, download, unzip and save it in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder



For Widows XP, download, unzip and save it in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder



For Widows XP, download, unzip and save it in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder




Download, unzip and save it in a temporary folder.

  • Plug in your controller and wait for Windows to begin it's driver installation process. After a few moments, the process will fail, despite its best efforts. Click on the Start Menu, and open up the Control Panel.

  • While in the Control Panel, navigate to System and Security. Next, click on System. Once the System window is up, open the Device Manager.

  • Look under Ports (COM & LPT). You should see an open port named "Arduino UNO (COMxx)". If there is no COM & LPT section, look under "Other Devices" for "Unknown Device".

  • Right click on the "Arduino UNO (COmxx)" port and choose the "Update Driver Software" option.

  • Next, choose the "Browse my computer for Driver software" option.

  • Finally, navigate to and select the driver file named "arduino.inf".

  • Windows will finish up the driver installation from there.

Multi-axis Joystick Motion Controller
13 Joystick Motion Controller Setup Software and Reference Manual
14 Operating Manual in PDF

Hardware and Installation Manual in PDF


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