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Programming Examples 


The following examples are presented to illustrate the functionality of each command.

Most of the examples are based on x-axis-absolute-move.txt  example that moves the X-motor to go back and forth.

Example 1:

The following example sets the acceleration, and velocity values. Then instructs the X-motor to make an absolute move. The absolute moves are referenced to the zero point.


Example 2:

The following example sets the acceleration, and velocity values. Then instructs the X-motor to find the home position. A normally closed (or normally low) switch should be place between the Home pin and the system ground. Please consult the hardware reference manual.


Example 3:

The following example sets the acceleration, and velocity values. Then instructs the X-motor to jog.

The following example moves the X-motor and at the end of each move disables the motor driver.

Example 4:

The following example sets the acceleration, and velocity values. Then instructs the X-motor to make an relative move. The relative moves are referenced to the last point.

Example 5:

The following example shows how to read the quadrature inputs.

Example 5:

The following example shows how to assign a different value to the current position.


Example 6:

The following example illustrates how to stop a motor.


Example 7:

The following example shows how to turn on or turn off a TTL / CMOS output. This command is useful for controlling other devices like a relay, solenoid, light, or handshaking with other devices.


Example 8:

The following example illustrates the usage of subroutines.


Example 9:

The following example shows the usage of IF, ELSE and THEN commands. These commands are used to change the flow of program based on different conditions.

Example 10:

The following example shows the usage of IFBIT, ELSE and THEN commands. These commands are used to change the flow of program based on state of a specific TTL / CMOS input.

Example 11:

The following example shows the usage of IFNOTBIT, ELSE and THEN commands. These commands are used to change the flow of program based on state of a specific TTL / CMOS input.


Example 12:

The following example shows how to read all TTL / CMOS inputs and write to all TTL / CMOS outputs.


Example 13:

The following example shows the usage of INPUT command. INPUT may be used for receiving numerical information from the serial port.


Example 14:

The following example shows the usage of 32-bit variables.


Example 15:

The following example demonstrates the usage of coordinated moves.


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