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Manual Crossed Roller Aluminum XY-Rotary Axis Positioning Stage

Home >  Manual Stages > XY and Rotary-axis Stages

Manual Dual-axis Super Thin Linear Positioning Stage Picture

This manual rotary positioning is made of aluminum alloy with an black anodized coating.

The Table size has Ø60 body weight of 0.87 kg.

The maximum load of this super thin table is 3 kg.

The Multiple axes is base MXYR60-A, Middle ..and Top MR60-A .

The Outline dimensions are W 99.25 , D 109 and H 65 mm.

The Range of Travel are X +/-6.5 , Y +/-6.5 and Z - , Ø Coarse360° Fine+/-0.5°.

  Unit: mm
Part No.. Multiple axes Table
Outline dimensions (mm) Range of Travel (mm) Load Capacity
Base Middle Top W D H X Y Z θ
 MXYR60-A MXYR60-A - MR60-A Ø60 99.25 109 65 +/-6.5 +/-6.5 - Coarse360°
3 0.87

Mechanical Drawing

Manual Dual-axis Super Thin Linear Positioning Stage Mechanical Drawing

 Ordering Information

Part No. Description Amount
MXYR60-A Manual Crossed Roller Aluminum XY-Rotary Axis Positioning Stage Click to Get a Quote

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