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Manual Rack and Pinion Hex Wrench Type Stages

  Home > Manual Stages > Dovetail Stages

Manual Rack and Pinion Hex Wrench Type Stages Picture

  Unit: mm
Part No.. Table
Travel Distance
 MC1E-25 25 mm by 25 +/- 3
 MC1E-40 40 mm by 40 +/- 5
 MC1E-60 60 mm by 60 +/- 7

Manual Rack and Pinion Hex Wrench Type Stages Size 60*60

  Unit: mm
Part No.. Table
Travel Distance
 MC2E-25 25 mm by 25 +/- 3
 MC2E-40 40 mm by 40 +/- 5
 MC2E-60 60 mm by 60 +/- 7






Manual Rack and Pinion Hex Wrench Type Stages  Travel Stroke ±7 mm

  Unit: mm
Part No.. Table
Travel Distance
 MC4E-25 25 mm by 25 +/- 3
 MC4E-40 40 mm by 40 +/- 5
 MC4E-60 60 mm by 60 +/- 7


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